A Dream Come True!

Giveaway to Celebrate
the Gorgeous Gift Tags
Made By Angela
on Somerset life!
buys her tags from me
include my name and My Blog Link!
I am Celebrating this article...
So this is
~~~~~July Giveaway~~~~
I am just getting to know you
all and since everyone has different interests.....

48 TAGS,

I thought it might be fun for you to specify which sets of tags you want..

All you have to do to enter this giveaway is
Leave your name in the comment section.
please make sure you leave me an email address or contact information if you do not keep a blog.
I can send the tags Worlwide.
I will pick one name out of a hat next Sunday ,
July The 12th.
if your name is picked.....just let me know which Tags you want.
If you are interested in winning a Friendship Tag, all you have to do is post about my giveaway on your blog and you'll be entered to win one of them ...
If you want to include the picture, right click on the image, go down to properties and copy and past that link into the spot on your blog where you upload URL images...
Visit my Store
Here are a few samples of tags I have in my store right now.
Go take a peek to see what else is there in case you are the winner!